The NFL and Serious Brain Injuries
I have been a die hard NFL fan for almost 40 years. As another season begins, my enthusiasm is somewhat tempered by the continuing struggles of former players who try to adjust to life after the game. A Super Bowl win by the Eagles might relieve all of my misgivings but I truly feel sorry for the players that I emulated from various teams while enjoying the game. Andre Waters, Dave Duerson and Junior Seau were warriors while playing the game. They are all dead. Mike Webster, a former All Pro center for the Pittsburgh Steelers, died at 50. There a number of other players like Ray Easterling and Ted Johnson who might not have name recognition, but suffer the effects of concussions. Some of the most enjoyable times of my life have been spent preparing for and participating in football parties. When Donovan McNabb was at the top of his game, we thought we had a legitimate chance to win a Super Bowl. We would work on preparing dishes and rot...