Suicide by Cop now Being Studied by the Department of Justice
There is a sad phenomenon occurring in Philadelphia now. I will call it suicide by cop. Last week, there were four police shootings. Three of those shootings were fatal. In a city in which over 1200 shootings occurred last year, this blip is nothing new. It just reflects the desperation that some individuals in our society feel now. It is a rare situation in which an individual will have the police outnumbered. I remember that we had a spate of police officer killings about two years ago so I don't blame the police for the need to protect themselves. I am just wondering what is causing this recent trend. In some recent discussions that I have had, it was iterated that some individuals just do not want to go back to jail. Many individuals who have encountered the judicial system in some way cannot get a fair chance to get a job. There is research being done in advance of proposed legislation by State Representa...