The Unrest in Baltimore: A Sad Reflection of Police Violence
It is hard for me to watch the current violence in Baltimore. Young and old people alike are throwing objects at police, burning stores and partaking in civil unrest. The National Guard has been called in and tension is at an all time high. The Home Going service for Freddie Gray was held yesterday. Elijah Cummings and Jesse Jackson represented the Civil Rights era. The Obama Administration sent representatives also. Freddy Gray's twin sister appealed for calm and tried to prevent what is currently unfolding. Her plea is apparently being ignored by the looters. The event that precipitated this conflagration was the death of Freddie Gray. From documents accounts, he was being pursued by police after he was observed standing on a corner possibly trying to pass the time. Unemployment in our communities is still twice that of other communities. Police reported seeing a knife in his waistband. He was handcuffed and placed i...