The Portrait Donald Trump is Painting is Not Reality!!
As a political observer I realize that any candidate for political office must espouse viewpoints that will help them to get elected. When I ran for City Commissioner back in 2011, I advocated for a mobile voting machine and updated voting lists. Even without the money and the backing of the Democratic Party, I was able to garner over 30,000 votes. My team got on street corners and grinded. According to his own proclamations, Donald Trump is super rich. According to his running mate, Mike Pence, he has donated millions of dollars to charity. The problem is, he won't submit his tax returns to validate anything that he says. It is a fact that he has not personally contributed to the Donald Trump Foundation since 2008. Other than that, his statements are pure conjecture. Recently, Donald Trump came to the realization that he was going to need African American voters to win the Presidency. Initially, most of his proclamations about th...