Democracy is Not Working in Egypt
The military deposed President Morsi a couple of weeks ago in Egypt. Our government doesn't consider the fact that he is still being held in detention a coup. There is the question of almost $1 billion in military aid riding on the definition of what a military overthrow really means. A coup d'etat is defined as a sudden overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.
President Morsi was officially recognized as the winner Egypt's first competitive presidential election since Hosni Mubarak was overthrown during the Arab Spring. This movement toppled Moamar Qaddafi and Zine al-Abidne Ben Ali in Tunisia. We suffered a major blow in Libya when our embassy was over run and a U.S. Ambassaor was killed in Benghazi. Many weapsons were taken during the unrest and U.S. intelligence is not sure who really holds the power in some of these sountries.
It was announced on CNN today that over 70 people were killed when the military opened fire on protesters hoping to have President Morsi restored to power. Tahir Square is a place I want to visit on Google maps, but never in person. It was originally called Ismailia Square after the 19th century ruler Khedive Ismail. After the Egyptian Revolution of 1919, it became know as Tahrir (Liberation) Square. An American student was killed there when the overthrow first began in June and it seems like he was targeted for being American.

I was in a brief Facebook debate with some friends who thought that that American government had something to do with the unrest. I disagreed totally. I respect the Muslim Brotherhood and the unity that they displayed during the election process. I don't feel that because a few people protested Mr. Morsi's policies that it should be the basis for a military overthrow. The military has even installed interim leaders while the unrest and blood shed continue.
I was a Political Science major in college. I watched in awe as the events of the Arab spring took place. I am still waiting for some semblance of peace to occur in Syria. I read recently about a woman being arrested for war crimes committed during the Hutu versus Tutsi massacre in Rwanda. Africa still has tumoil going on in many countries. I hope that the situation in Egypt can be resolved soon and in a peaceful manner. I know that continued protests affect the economy for this county of 80 million people. If what happened was not a coup d'etat, I want to know what one truly is.
President Morsi was officially recognized as the winner Egypt's first competitive presidential election since Hosni Mubarak was overthrown during the Arab Spring. This movement toppled Moamar Qaddafi and Zine al-Abidne Ben Ali in Tunisia. We suffered a major blow in Libya when our embassy was over run and a U.S. Ambassaor was killed in Benghazi. Many weapsons were taken during the unrest and U.S. intelligence is not sure who really holds the power in some of these sountries.
It was announced on CNN today that over 70 people were killed when the military opened fire on protesters hoping to have President Morsi restored to power. Tahir Square is a place I want to visit on Google maps, but never in person. It was originally called Ismailia Square after the 19th century ruler Khedive Ismail. After the Egyptian Revolution of 1919, it became know as Tahrir (Liberation) Square. An American student was killed there when the overthrow first began in June and it seems like he was targeted for being American.
I was in a brief Facebook debate with some friends who thought that that American government had something to do with the unrest. I disagreed totally. I respect the Muslim Brotherhood and the unity that they displayed during the election process. I don't feel that because a few people protested Mr. Morsi's policies that it should be the basis for a military overthrow. The military has even installed interim leaders while the unrest and blood shed continue.
I was a Political Science major in college. I watched in awe as the events of the Arab spring took place. I am still waiting for some semblance of peace to occur in Syria. I read recently about a woman being arrested for war crimes committed during the Hutu versus Tutsi massacre in Rwanda. Africa still has tumoil going on in many countries. I hope that the situation in Egypt can be resolved soon and in a peaceful manner. I know that continued protests affect the economy for this county of 80 million people. If what happened was not a coup d'etat, I want to know what one truly is.
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