Brain Cancer creates an Unbreakable Bond!

I participated in the Race for the Cure this morning in Washington, DC.  The race part was for about 500 runners that decided to support this fundraiser to find ways to slow or cure the onslaught of brain cancer.  This was my first time participating in the event.  My brother Gary lost his battle with brain cancer in January of 2014.  He was once a healthy, vibrant man who possessed a zeal for life.  His wife Lynne fought very hard to extend his battle against this insidious disease.  From what I observed this morning, the victims are random but the supporters are many.

I spoke to the son of a victim of this disease.  His team was called Chip's supporters.  Chip was born in 1963 and lost his battle in 2013.  His son indicated that he died soon after his 50th birthday.  I saw a team that had shirts entitled 'Cathy with a C'.  I saw walkers with Team Hero Michael.  I wonder about the pain that my namesake endured before succumbing to this foe.  Team Nitin was about 50 strong.  Team 47 must have all finished in less than 43 minutes.  I did a combination of walking and jogging and finished in 44 minutes.  My adrenalin carried me for the last mile and one half as I wanted to represent for myself and my Family.

It was a beautiful day to walk.  I spoke with a set of friends right before the race started.  One friend had lost her husband to cancer.  They were both going to participate in an all night walk on June 12th in Maryland.  I jokingly told them that I would be with them in spirit.  Walking all night on a pre-summer night might seem like a labor for some.  For those of us who have lost loved ones to cancer,it is a chance to represent all that they would have done for us if the show was on the other foot.  I was amazed by the two participants who started the race with no sneakers on.  I was shocked by the racer who had bikini shorts on with nothing else.  What in the name of why he didn't win the race I cannot understand.

Our team was called Team Warrior's Way.  I noticed a team that was based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I also noticed a team of racers that all had on tutus.  Maybe the survivor was a dancer who couldn't make it to the finis line.  The runners were young and old, black, white and mixed race.  The volunteers cheered us on as we passed the one, two and three mile marks.  Water was distributed at the halfway point.  I cried when I crossed the finish line.  I realize that my brother Gary's life was not lost in vain.  The announcers at the finish line talked about the array of scientists and doctors who are committed to finding a cure for this disease are relentless.  One day there will be a cure for this disease.

There are thousands of walks throughout the country in support of numerous causes.  I promise to participate in at least three more walks this spring and summer.  I am glad that the Broad Street Run went off without a hitch in /Philly today.  Over thirty thousand runners participate in this event.  Many of them understand the power of dedication to a cause such as competing in a ten mile race.  Some will finish in under 50 minutes while others will be happy just to finish.  Slow but steady sometimes wins the race.  For those of us who have experienced the pain of losing s loved one to any form of cancer, just another hour or day to finish the race would have been appreciated.  God Bless the participants in today,s race for the cure and see you next year on May 1st!!  God willing.
  1. Image result for race for the brain cancer cure 2015


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