The Tea Party was a Precursor to the Present Protests in Washington D.C.
The Trump Administration has been serving since January 20th, 2017. It has already spawned some of the largest protests against an administration that I have witnessed in my lifetime. On January 21st, large contingents of people marched on Washington and in cities throughout the country and the world. It was a Women's March and the majority of the marchers were horrified by the prospect of Donald Trump, his past comments about his actions towards women, and the tone and tenor of his administration. There is already an effort by this administration to defund Planned Parenthood. How that move would benefit the country and women seeking reproductive health assistance is beyond me. Over 50,000 people marched in Philadelphia and the numbers are estimated at 2.6 million worldwide. The Trump Administration created another firestorm of protesters on Saturday and Sunday when it issued an Executive Order banning citizens from seven majority Muslim countries....