The Trump Movement Begins! Are you Ready?
On Friday, January 20th, 2017, a billionaire, will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. As Donald Trump has indicated, it is the culmination of a movement that began when he descended the escalator in Trump Tower many moons ago. I am not a supporter of Donald Trump but I respect the Office of the President. I have always wondered how he could be so unhappy with his immense wealth and unlimited ability to license his name and make money. In fact, he claimed that he turned down a $2 billion deal in Saudi Arabia just two weeks ago. I wonder what his mind set is not that he has three days to go before assuming the position of leader of the free world.
One of his any moves that he promised to make on day one is to repeal Obamacare. I think that the naming of the Affordable Care Act after President Obama has missed off Republicans more than the impact of this important source of insurance for 20 million Americans. The President elect railed endlessly against this act and not has promised insurance for everyone. This statement is impossible due to the face that affordability for insurance was the main reason that the act was passed in the first place. I am an American that is happy to have health insurance through my employer. I struggled while working as an independent contractor to maintain regular appointments with a primary care physician. Finding a dentist who is 'affordable' was a nightmare. I really hope that the Republicans replace the Affordable Health Care Act with something that will work for people that need competent medical care. Elected officials really have no worries for themselves or their families while in office.
One of the the other promises that the President elect is waffling on is the promise to build a border wall separating the U.S. from Mexico. A beautiful was was going to be built and Mexico was going to pay for it. I never thought of the environmental impact of constructing a major wall between our countries. I do know that Mexico's current President has informed Mr. Trump that it will never pay for a wall that separates our countries. It looks like the President elect is now content to try to rush a fence up and have Congress pay for it first. Mexico's payment will then be in the form of a tax that will pay us back for the billions that it will cost for this major undertaking. His ability to keep this campaign promise is looking shaky.
Mr. Trump's recent press conference, the first in nearly six months, was a disaster. He piled a bunch of folders on a table as a sign that he was transferring his businesses to his sons. He is not divesting of his ownership and claims he will not ask questions of his sons. What happened to audited financial reports for a man of such wealth? The presser was hijacked by a potential dossier that was prepared by a spy who has some kind of unverifiable dirt from Mr. Trump's dealings in Russia. Although Mr. Trump has said he has no dealings in Russia, a New York Times article revealed numerous trips made by Mr. Trump and his children to this country. He wanted to build a Trump Tower there but the deal never materialized. His bromance with Mr. Putin will be in full display in three days. Let's see how this plays out for the movement of people that voted for him. Russia is a dangerous country that has annexed Crimea and interfered in the resident presidential election here.

Mr. Trump's cabinet nominees are undergoing hearings before panels as we speak. I have not heard about anu confirmations yet. The Secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, is being grilled on his close ties with Russia. The potential Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, is a school voucher advocate who is a billionaire. I don't say being a billionaire is a bad thing but she does not seem to have the education of all children at heart. Even though Mr. Trump derided Goldman Sachs repeatedly during his race, he has recommended at least 5 former or current employees for positions in his cabinet. Jeff Sessions is having a tough tie with questioning for his Attorney General position. Sometimes your past can haunt you for ever. Mitch McConnell's wife could sail through her nomination process. I just hope everyone is ready to govern on January 20th.
Finally, I hope that Mr. Trump curtails his use of Twitter when he is sworn in on Friday. Ha has picked fights with Congressman John Lewis, Actress Meryl Street, the Saturday Night Live cast, China and Mexico, Vanity Fair and the New York Times. He cannot possibly respond to every insult thrown his way. Or can he? Sean Spicer, Trump's Press Secretary, seems to feel like it is okay to punch back at every insult. It will be an interesting four years to say the least. I wish us peace as Donald Trump has promised prosperity to coal miner and auto makers. He will be the greatest jobs creator ever in his own mind. Everything he does now will be part of the public record. We all have to live in this country together. I truly want to see what 'Make America Great Again' truly looks like. God Bless America.
One of his any moves that he promised to make on day one is to repeal Obamacare. I think that the naming of the Affordable Care Act after President Obama has missed off Republicans more than the impact of this important source of insurance for 20 million Americans. The President elect railed endlessly against this act and not has promised insurance for everyone. This statement is impossible due to the face that affordability for insurance was the main reason that the act was passed in the first place. I am an American that is happy to have health insurance through my employer. I struggled while working as an independent contractor to maintain regular appointments with a primary care physician. Finding a dentist who is 'affordable' was a nightmare. I really hope that the Republicans replace the Affordable Health Care Act with something that will work for people that need competent medical care. Elected officials really have no worries for themselves or their families while in office.
One of the the other promises that the President elect is waffling on is the promise to build a border wall separating the U.S. from Mexico. A beautiful was was going to be built and Mexico was going to pay for it. I never thought of the environmental impact of constructing a major wall between our countries. I do know that Mexico's current President has informed Mr. Trump that it will never pay for a wall that separates our countries. It looks like the President elect is now content to try to rush a fence up and have Congress pay for it first. Mexico's payment will then be in the form of a tax that will pay us back for the billions that it will cost for this major undertaking. His ability to keep this campaign promise is looking shaky.
Mr. Trump's recent press conference, the first in nearly six months, was a disaster. He piled a bunch of folders on a table as a sign that he was transferring his businesses to his sons. He is not divesting of his ownership and claims he will not ask questions of his sons. What happened to audited financial reports for a man of such wealth? The presser was hijacked by a potential dossier that was prepared by a spy who has some kind of unverifiable dirt from Mr. Trump's dealings in Russia. Although Mr. Trump has said he has no dealings in Russia, a New York Times article revealed numerous trips made by Mr. Trump and his children to this country. He wanted to build a Trump Tower there but the deal never materialized. His bromance with Mr. Putin will be in full display in three days. Let's see how this plays out for the movement of people that voted for him. Russia is a dangerous country that has annexed Crimea and interfered in the resident presidential election here.
Mr. Trump's cabinet nominees are undergoing hearings before panels as we speak. I have not heard about anu confirmations yet. The Secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, is being grilled on his close ties with Russia. The potential Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, is a school voucher advocate who is a billionaire. I don't say being a billionaire is a bad thing but she does not seem to have the education of all children at heart. Even though Mr. Trump derided Goldman Sachs repeatedly during his race, he has recommended at least 5 former or current employees for positions in his cabinet. Jeff Sessions is having a tough tie with questioning for his Attorney General position. Sometimes your past can haunt you for ever. Mitch McConnell's wife could sail through her nomination process. I just hope everyone is ready to govern on January 20th.
Finally, I hope that Mr. Trump curtails his use of Twitter when he is sworn in on Friday. Ha has picked fights with Congressman John Lewis, Actress Meryl Street, the Saturday Night Live cast, China and Mexico, Vanity Fair and the New York Times. He cannot possibly respond to every insult thrown his way. Or can he? Sean Spicer, Trump's Press Secretary, seems to feel like it is okay to punch back at every insult. It will be an interesting four years to say the least. I wish us peace as Donald Trump has promised prosperity to coal miner and auto makers. He will be the greatest jobs creator ever in his own mind. Everything he does now will be part of the public record. We all have to live in this country together. I truly want to see what 'Make America Great Again' truly looks like. God Bless America.
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