The Upcoming election in the 186th District in Pennsylvania

The recent election of former State Representative Kenyatta Johnson to the City Council of Philadelphia has opened up the door for a number of potential candidates vying for his seat.  Damon Roberts is a real estate attorney who has run for City Council and portrays himself as a master negotiator.  Jordan Harris is a former mayoral appointee who feels that he has the tools and the connections to represent the 60,000 voters in the district.  Fawwaz 'Jazz' Beyah is a business owner and developer who claims that he employs more minorities than any other candidate. 

Ed Nesmith, who I am backing, is a business owner and Ward Leader who has a track record of political and community involvement.  Some people say that Timothy Hannah and Harold James might also enter the race.  The district has high poverty rates in the 36th and 27th wards and high rates of affluence in the 30th and 48th wards.  I like the fact that we are becoming divers and that young families are moving back into the community.  I look around and see new construction every day.  I also know that residents are challenged by the lack of jobs and high crime rates.  The candidate that will propose solutions to these issues will be the one who will win the race. 

The political machine in the likes of Senator Anthony Williams and Councilman Kenyatta Johnson are supporting Jordan Harris.  The Nesmith Team will appeal to the informed voter who knows that insiders don't always get the job done.  A results oriented professional who realizes that budget challenges will affect any platform of change will be the most effective person for the seat.  Let the games begin.  Let's appeal to more than 20% of registered voters to come out and exercise their democratic right to VOTE!!!


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